Optimizing Your Website for More Conversions

3 min readJun 23, 2021

The purpose of a website will vary from business to business. But eventually, every business’ (B2B or B2C) motive will be to attract best-fit prospects to your website so that you can convert them into long term customers. For most B2B organizations, demo requests are a brilliant way to identify sales qualified leads and start engaging with the prospects. The way these forms are created makes or breaks your ability to convert visitors to leads.

Bad design, too many forms, and even the colors you choose can affect your lead generation goals. In this blog post, we have listed down a few quick tips to help you optimize your website and contact forms to generate more leads.

Create intuitive and user-friendly landing pages

You need a page specifically designed for demo requests on your website. The copies and imagery on the landing page should address your visitors’ pain points. The page should convince the visitor that a demo is worth his time. The page must be intuitive, user-friendly, and the form should be easy to access.

Use Video

A picture is worth a thousand words! Video, like any other conversion tactics, can be used on your landing page. Not only can video help you get more visitors, it can also have a great impact on your sales cycle. Reports suggest that videos shorten sales cycle because they are an effective way to show visitors what they are missing out on. They also provide an additional opportunity to optimize your landing page for SEO. Use a compelling thumbnail for the video, optimize your page, add a great CTA, and you’re all set!

Social proofs are always great!

If your existing customers love your product, your prospects will too. Social proof is one of the most powerful tactic to convert a visitor into a highly valuable customer. So, go crazy! Make that landing page super awesome by adding customer logos, number of customers served, links to case studies, reviews, ratings, testimonials, and what not!

Boost visitor engagement with chatbots

Another easy way to engage visitors and drive demos on your website is through live chats and chatbots. Your site may draw potential leads that shy away from filling out forms. Chat functionality can provide a simple way for users to get in touch with your brand in real time. Not only is it simple for users, but chats also serve to automate interactions with your potential leads.

User shorter forms

Your “Request a Demo” form is that last and important step to convert that visitor into a lead. Optimizing your form can give you a great opportunity to boost conversions and sales.

Consider the form shown below.

What mistakes can you see in this form?

  • Too lengthy with 7 fields
  • Unnecessary questions asked
  • Can bore your prospect
  • He/she won’t even reach the Submit button

Now look at the form below.

  • To the point
  • Builds trust
  • Extremely user-friendly
  • Can significantly improve conversion rate

Use data enrichment tools to reduce fields in your contact form

SMARTe Enrich allows you to enrich your customer database with over 60 fields of relevant information. You might require only an email address (collected from a web form) to enrich and get all the information you will need to close that deal. It offers you an amazing opportunity to reduce your fields to just one field, which can magically boost your conversions.

Want to win over your customers with enriched data? Reach out to us today!




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